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09 / 07 / 2021


Firstly, thank you all for the numerous, and very
thoughtful messages sent over the last few weeks. I am very much based at home, however feel a huge amount of pride when someone has taken the trouble to get in touch with us; and all messages do come through to me.
My team are, and always have been totally exceptional, and it is clear that they mean the same to many of you. Dental care has been completely halted in the UK currently; the strangest of situations to ever find ourselves in. The work my team has done historically in providing optimal care, advice and on occasion a slight nudge in the right direction means I am confident the vast majority of you are dentally “fit” and will sail through the next few weeks without any issues.

In the meantime of course there are the unforeseen situations when you might need some help or a chat, so do call us Emma and I are here on 07974392422 or use live chat on the website
Regards, stay safe and see you soon


Some wonderfully happy news to share with you all is that our lovely dental nurse Rachelle had a special Easter delivery when baby Hollie arrived on April 9th. Mum and baby are both doing well and we look forward to welcoming Rachelle back to Absolute in October
Absolute Bake Off
We’ve all had a little more time on our hands, and to keep busy some of us have been baking and cooking. We wanted to have a little competition to see whose house you would prefer to stop by, when this is all over, for a slice of cake or a homemade meal!
It’s very simple – from the two photos below, just email [email protected] with either Team A or Team B (those in the losing team of Absolute Allstars will be carrying out their fore fit in the next newsletter!)

A Hello from the Absolute Team!
We all miss each other and we miss seeing you too – here is a little video we made to show you just how we feel – click here to watch.

Lost a Filling?
On a more practical note; here is some excellent advice from Rhodri on what to do should you loose a filling over the next few weeks Click here to view

Still got time on your hands?
There is still time to download and complete the Absolute Wordsearch – just complete and email back to [email protected] – there are prizes to be won!

Keep watching our social media updates as there will be some help, tips, advice and updates from all the team:

Facebook Absolute Dental @Absolutedentalcentre1
Instagram Absolutedentalcentre
Twitter Absolute Dental @absolutedentuk

We are also obviously taking calls, and messages for advice during this period. Should you need us please call: my mobile 07974392422 or contact us via live chat on homepage

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