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24 / 05 / 2023

Bite Into Your Headache

There are many reasons that you could have a headache, but have you ever considered that it could be something your dentist could help you with?

There are a few oral issues that could be contributing to the pain you are having, it could be as simple as clenching or grinding your teeth or something a bit more complex such as your occlusion (the way your teeth meet).

Most people are not even aware that they are clenchers or grinders but the teeth don’t lie and your dentist will be able to see evidence of this on your teeth, for example wear on your teeth, broken teeth or restorations, sensitivity or waking with a stiff jaw. There are many reasons why people clench or grind it could be due to stress, anxiety or simply concentration. Either way your dentist will be able to advise and suggest possible treatment to help, for example a specially made mouth guard – don’t worry they are not like the ones rugby players wear, they are clear and discreet and could save you money in the future by protecting those teeth.

If you are getting worse symptoms such as continual headaches or migraine, especially first thing in the morning, pain behind your eyes, pain in your sinus/neck/shoulders, discomfort around your ears, side of your face or your jaw, you could be suffering from a TMJ (Temporo Mandibular Joint) problem. The TMJ is the joint connecting your lower jaw and your skull. The movement in this joint lets you open and close your mouth and chew from side to side.

If your jaw is in the wrong position, the muscles that move the jaw have to work a lot harder and can get tired. This leads to muscle spasm. The main symptoms can be clicking, grinding jaw pain, ringing in your ears and difficulty in opening or closing your mouth could all be due to your teeth not meeting each other properly.

As with any joint pain, it can help to put less stress on the joint, a soft diet can be helpful, as can corrective exercises. Again, your dentist will be able to advise you on the most appropriate treatment for you.

With regard to occlusion, teeth can be carefully adjusted to meet evenly thus relieving the pressure on your TMJ and stress on your teeth.

If you think any of this sounds like you, and you would like to discuss this more, please call us today on 01548 852165

Hope you found this information useful, thanks for reading, take care of those teeth.

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