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23 / 05 / 2023

New Years Resolutions – How Are They Going?

New Year’s Resolutions.

What a great opportunity to really set ourselves up for some magnificent failures and disappointments !

There comes a time when you just have to acknowledge that your New Year’s Resolutions were unreasonable and unrealistic, and that time is a fortnight into the New Year!

Rejoice in your new found freedom from torturous diets and horrible exercise regimes, pick up that pack of cigarettes and down another glass of wine. Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day sets you free from your first mistakes of the New Year.

Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day is as old as New Year’s Resolutions. In the inebriated, hopeful light of the dawn of the New Year, we all believe that the next year is going to be different, that we won’t return to our old habits, and we won’t let things continue as they are. What a terrible shame that some things just don’t change .

Now here is the good bit ….

Do not keep yourself tied to them any longer, realize that you’ve got to make real strides, all year long to make any kind of change happen, and start looking at real lifestyle changes. Little bits at a time you can make whole life resolutions…..

The best way to celebrate a New Year is by re-evaluating your all areas of your life and start finding real and meaningful reasons to change that inspire you with will and determination .

It’s also important to realize that some of your New Year’s Resolutions are just foolish limiting or depressing.

Get out there and start living your life and being satisfied with who you are, and if you aren’t genuinely satisfied, change it for that reason, and not because a new calendar has flipped over!

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