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25 / 05 / 2023

October 2019 Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire

As a practice, we welcome your feedback throughout the year – we love to hear if there is anything we’ve done well, or if we could do better – and that is we always ask, if you’ve particularly liked something we’ve done here, please let us know via our Facebook or Google pages.

As a more structured way of finding out how we’re doing, every 6 months, we ask a random selection of patients, across both dentists and hygienists, to complete a short written questionnaire.

We always like to share the results with you.

100% of patients surveyed felt their overall opinion of the customer service received at Absolute was “exceptional”

95% of patients rated us “exceptional” in the areas of Clinical Treatment; Understanding their concerns regarding their teeth and gums; feeling listened to by their clinical team & being able to better understand the condition of their teeth and gums.

90% of patients felt the overall experience at Absolute is “exceptional”.

90% of patients feel it is “Very Easy” to make an appointment with us and 75% of patients feel they are “Always” seen on time for their appointments.

Comments received as a result of the survey:

“You are always there at the end of the phone to help. Thank you”

“Always a pleasure to receive the personal treatment on every visit I have made over many years”

“Always an excellent and friendly experience”

” I have always been, and still am 100% happy with all the care I receive at Absolute Dental – thank you so much. I would always recommend your practice”

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey – your feedback helps us improve the service we offer.

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