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24 / 05 / 2023

Single People “Driving Illegal Tooth Whitening”

New research has suggested that not only are single British adults more likely to get their teeth whitened than those in relationships, but that a high number are doing so illegally – causing major concerns for health campaigners.

A nationwide poll found that 1 in 4 people without a partner (24%) have had their teeth whitened, more than twice as many as those in a relationship (11%). Of these, almost half of single adults have admitted to doing so “illegally” (45%), compared with just 1 in 10 (12%) of people in a relationship.

By “illegal tooth whitening” we mean that which is carried out by anyone who is not a registered dental professional (this became law in 2011).

A worrying number of beauticians and salons are still advertising the treatment, perpetuation the belief that this is still normal practice. This would particularly appeal to younger people, on lower incomes, as the treatment seems cheaper than if it were carried out by a dentist.

However, if not done correctly, tooth whitening can cause serious damage to tooth enamel and gum tissue, causing pain.

A dentist will only therefore prescribe you a whitening gel that meets the requirements of a European Council directive, once they have assessed a patient to make sure there are no risks or any other concerns about their dental health. A non dental professional supplying the same gel, is therefore breaking the law.

So, if you are single and ready to mingle, but would like a brighter, whiter smile – please talk to your dentist first!

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