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Dr Deiniol Prowse Jones

Principal Dentist

GDC Number: 264635

BDS University of Plymouth 2016

Deiniol and Jeni took over Absolute Dental in November 2022, but Deiniol’s link with Absolute started over 10 years ago. Back then, he spent time shadowing a budding potential dentist. Some of you may even know his stepdad, Bill Beare, who was part of Absolute Dental for many years. All of these undoubtedly had an impact on their decision to go on and study Dentistry at Peninsula Dental School in Plymouth. After graduating (with honours), he embarked on a career serving in the British Army as a dental officer before leaving to go into practice with special areas of interest in dental implants and restorative dentistry. He has almost completed a Master’s degree in restorative dentistry from Plymouth University and has advanced training in implant dentistry.

He is an avid Welsh rugby fan after playing the game since he can remember; he swears he was given a rugby ball rather than a dummy as a baby, and he even played for Kingsbridge 1st XV rugby team during his university years. He has also competed in kickboxing and likes to try his hand at all other sports – tennis and golf being his current focus.

Special Interest In

Dental implants and restorative dentistry




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