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24 / 05 / 2023

Our Dental Technicians …..true team members.

Great Dental Care is delivered by a team who communicate effectively and share knowledge and skills with other team members. A dynamic that some patients know little about is the relationship between Dentist and Dental Technician.

This relationship is made even more important by the development of new and exciting techniques and materials for patient treatment and appliance construction. Beautiful ceramic restorations which are indistinguishable from real teeth – such as crowns, bridges and dental implants. And well fitting removable dentures that can help restore a patients ability to eat well and give them a natural confident smile. New technology is ever present and the world of dentistry advances at a pace.

Dental technician education is generally taught in specially equipped technical colleges. Student dental technicians take a foundation degree which covers the theoretical aspects and basic practical dental technology. Practical experience is gained in work placement in dental laboratories.

From then on the technician will commit to undertake to regular and lifelong learning and Continuing Professional Development to keep up to date with new technology and techniques.

A good dentist and good technician will learn from each other and share new knowledge.
On occasions the technician may have call to meet the patient directly. Should there be a particularly challenging or extensive treatment required it is helpful to involve the dental technician at an early stage. It is also satisfying for all involved when the technician can share in the pleasure of a great result.

Here at Absolute Dental in Kingsbridge we are fortunate to have wonderful dental technicians so close at hand. Their support and superb skills are much appreciated and help to smooth the path to providing wonderful healthy smiles for our patients.

We like to let our patients know about that other very special team member without whom we just couldn’t provide such great care.

Round of applause for our Dental Technicians please!


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